Technical Report: Concluding Statement

Concluding Statement

Boosts in construction productivity, increase in profit margins, and cost savings would crown DfMA technologies not only as innovative solutions but also as hallmarks of revolutionary technology redefining the fundamentals of Singapore's construction landscape. With this notion, the report proposes a new outlook towards integrating DfMA solutions to the stakeholders of Singapore’s built environment: To develop a solution to cater to the particular sub-sector of construction with the most resistance to adopting DfMA, small-scaled construction projects. As previously established, contractors, designers, and builders of small-scale projects are most resistant to adopting DfMA technologies due to the current constraints of common DfMA solutions in the market: high initial construction costs, limited flexibility in designs, and dependency on heavy machinery. The solution proposed will circumambulate those constraints and incentivise stakeholders of small-scale projects to utilise DfMA in their projects. 

The proposed DfMA solution will be able to penetrate the market of small-scale projects, while still being viable for large-scale projects. With this “trickle-up” approach, DfMA solutions can be exposed to the entirety of Singapore’s built environment, from small to big. This enhances the overall productivity of Singapore’s construction sector and sets the precedence for a new era in Singapore’s construction industry.


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